Preterm Birth

Providing a Warm Embrace for Babies Born

Too Early

Lighting the Path for

preEmies and their families

A newborn baby lies in boxes in the hospital. A child in an incubator. Neonatal and Premature Intensive Care Unit
Abstract Shape Illustration

Fragility of

Early Beginnings

The world is full of wonder, joy, and life. Yet, in its vast expanse, some of its tiniest residents - preterm babies - face monumental challenges from the very moment they arrive.

These fragile souls, brimming with potential and purpose, sometimes find themselves in environments unequipped to nurture them in their early, delicate days.

Abstract Shape
Premature baby in the neonatal intensive care unit sleeping

Life, Where It

Hangs by a Thread

In the underprivileged hospitals across the globe, the harsh reality stands tall: many newborn lives are precariously teetering on the edge, threatened by a lack of essential medical equipment.

Many preemies need to be placed in incubators designed to protect them and provide the optimal conditions for their development.

Neonatal Incubators: A Cradle of Hope

These aren’t just machines. Incubators are where the magic happens – where fragile lives gain strength, where their hearts beat stronger, and where they grow into thriving infants.

Neonatal incubators act as nurturing cocoons, by mirroring the warmth and safety of a mother's womb. They enhance health outcomes by preventing complications, and reduce the risk of infections.

Medical Ventilator and Infant Incubator


To shelter, protect, and nurture these vulnerable lives during their first perilous weeks

Offering a Helping Hand to Developing Countries

Developing countries face significant challenges in providing adequate neonatal care. Grappling with its dire past, Serbia has made progress, but requires help for providing its youngest citizens a fair chance at life.

According to UNICEF, about 65,000 babies are born in Serbia annually, of which 4,000 are born prematurely. Each day, 7 babies require some form of urgent support and preterm birth accounts for more than 60% of newborn deaths in Serbia.


Strong Partnership for Bigger Impact

In collaboration with Little Giant, we are raising funds to acquire more incubators for Serbian hospitals.


Serbian Preterm Infants’ Parents Association Little Giant (Mali Div) is a not-for-profit organization, run by parents of prematurely born children and founded in 2010.


With the help of friends and partners, Little Giant carries out many activities aimed at improving the quality of life of premature babies, supporting, informing and helping parents and raising public awareness of the challenges of premature birth.

Over the course of their 13-year pursuit to help little giants and their families, the Association has raised funds and donated incubators to various Serbian hospitals.

Join Our Movement to procure more incubators

Embrace Serbian preemies into this world

Parents and Baby in Bed
Happy Cheerful Young Mother Throws an Adorable Baby in Air, Plays, Hugs Baby with Love, Care

Your generous donation, no matter the amount, can transform Serbian hospitals into sanctuaries of hope, in which every prematurely born baby, irrespective of their early start, gets the care they deserve.

Photo Of People Holding Each Other's Hands

Our Progress

Retail price of one neonatal incubator in Serbia is ~$18,500. On average, one incubator lasts 10-12 years and can host 12-15 preemies annually.

We will regularly update this page with information on our fundraising progress and the impact we are making.

Money Bag Icon

$ 18,450

Smiling Baby Vector

82 lives saved


Thanks to your support, 1 incubator has been delivered to the University Clinical Center in Kragujevac as part of our mission to care for premature babies.

Happy Baby

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Stand with us as we vow to protect the most vulnerable amongst us



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About Us

LET'S REFRAME is a globally-active non-profit organization dedicated to the mission of transforming lives by challenging limiting worldviews and promoting well-being for all. We are committed to reduce suffering and improve mental and physical health of people, by addressing and preventing societal taboos, stereotypes, and biases.

LET'S REFRAME INC. is a Florida-registered non-profit corporation with a 501(c)(3) status under the United States Internal Revenue Code.

Adult person gesturing
Thai Person
father Helping Granddaughter Making Dumplings
Style and personality
Adult person standing in the studio
real person senior woman